greater terran legion


greater terran legion

forumspørgsmål af
22 år
Oprettet 2 år 10 måneder siden

lille forsmag på del 7

“Try and imagine it Capitan, every Terran was there. Every single one of us prepared and willing to do what must be done to avenge those lost to us. Untold billions of starships, frigates, warships of every class, and fleets from across the entire system came to set out on this path. Never before has there been a gathering of such magnitude and I pray there is no need for it to be seen again. We did not ask for your peoples’ permission, nor did we expect their support. They have told you that we spoke to them of our plans but that is a lie. We knew the answer they would give so we chose to act on our own and for that, they started to speak in terms of banishment.” As he spoke I couldn’t help but think, the Council lied? But why? Surely they would never… My thoughts were cut short as the Sage interjected, “What you must know is that we were seen as beings that were kind and good. Yet there we were, amassing every ship we could reach and preparing for war on a scale never before seen. Your Council was terrified and so too was the rest of the Federation.”


Fantastisk. Har du ikke før skrevet noget lignende for længe siden.


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